When should I sign up for Medicare?
3 months before your 65th birthday. Your Medicare can begin the month you turn 65, unless you are disabled, in which case it begins 2 years after your disability began.
Do I have to sign up for Medicare?
No, if you are covered under a group plan, you can keep that plan as long as it is a qualified plan.
Is there a penalty if I don’t sign up for Medicare?
If you do not have other qualified coverage, you may have a Part B and Part D late enrollment penalty.
How much does Medicare cost?
Most people will not have to pay for part A, but part B is $164.90 for most people in 2023.
What are the parts of Medicare?
Part A - Hospital insurance (covers inpatient care)
Part B - Medical insurance (covers outpatient care)
Part C - Medicare Advantage Plans (offered by private companies)
Part D - Prescription Drug Plans
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